Well, good design isn't luck really at all. It's a good eye, experience, good use of color, and all that other jazz, but you all know that. Today is St Patrick's day which means it's going to take me twice as long to walk home today because of all streets that will be crowded with inebriated post collegiates yelling things at me or falling down in front of me. Aahhh, kids these days. Though I'm not Irish, I have strawberry blonde hair and very fair skin. I do love the color green and little pots of gold!

A holiday like this one certainly isn't a reason to change your interior to add green elements (unless you're planning a party!), but the fact that green might look nice in a room IS a reason. Jamie Drake used a few different shades of green here in this bedroom. I love the tufted headboard.

I don't' think I really have much green in my apartment except for some green vases here and there, or in a plant. Green, for me, means that spring (and Summer) are here and it's time to open your windows and let some life in! I don't' have plans for St Patty's Day, except to pack my bags because I'm leaving on a small vacation tomorrow! Do you all have plans?? Anyone in Chicago ever see that river turned green?
Alicia B.