Monday, January 11, 2010

Scenes from The Weekend

I'm happy to report that it was a super mellow weekend (largely due to the adherence to bullet three on my "resolutions" list), which pretty much consisted of ballet, brunch and a mermaid themed b-day party for our buddy Stella on Saturday and a jaunt out to Legacy books with the girlies on Sunday for a little project I'm working on.

The girls had a blast at the bookstore...they have a great kid's section + there was a new book in it for me -- that Elizabeth Peyton number above, considerably on sale. Highlights included flopping on cushions, perusing books and munching on heart shaped cookies with their buddy Oliver (who Audrey's decided she's going to marry...hmm.) Then to cap off a fantastic Sunday we had homemade pizza at lovely cousin Erin's for dinner.

A mellow weekend sure does make slipping into Monday an easier prospect...

So, do tell, did you do anything delightful this weekend?