FROM EDDIE: Would also LOVE your support on the ELLE DECOR window I did for the Big Window Challenge this year with Apartment Therapy. Check it out at http://www.bigwindowchallenge.com com. As we all know, AT doesn’t make it easy, but you can vote TWICE a day, once online and the other by texting “1” to 89800. Your support means the world to me!!
FYI there's an amazing sale going on at WS Home. A friend of mine just bought a rug there for $48. YES, you read that correctly. It's a large rug, too.
I'm off to the country this weekend. It's going to be a great weekend of antiquing, catching up with some old friends, and some math homework as well. I'm only looking forward to the first two things. Don't forget to vote for the Bloomingdale's Big Window Challenge! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Alicia B.
Alicia B.