The amazing couple behind Sixx Design clearly is not…
I am seriously, seriously impressed (and frankly in awe) of this couple. They run marathons, they completely renovate massive properties in NYC, they throw killer parties, they have great taste…
(I’m currently having massive anxiety about renovating Audrey’s old dollhouse for Christmas, so it’s probably safe to say that Courtney Novogratz and I are not cut from the same cloth.)
Oh and they have seven (SEVEN) children, including two sets of twins.
I know, I know…right?? ??

Instead of working on the aforementioned dollhouse, I’ve been perusing the Novogratz's book, Downtown Chic, the past few nights, and it’s filled with great advice for design projects of all sizes (for those of you that share my home renovation anxiety), lots of gorgeous photos + funny, practical takes on how to stay sane amidst raising kiddos and running a thriving, busy, chaotic business (i.e. make takeout your friend.)
And just so I won't feel bad about all my procrastinating, I'm sharing the love and giving away a copy of Downtown Chic to one of you. Just leave a comment on this post by Sunday at 6:00 pm ET for a chance to win. I’ll announce the winner Monday!
I am seriously, seriously impressed (and frankly in awe) of this couple. They run marathons, they completely renovate massive properties in NYC, they throw killer parties, they have great taste…
(I’m currently having massive anxiety about renovating Audrey’s old dollhouse for Christmas, so it’s probably safe to say that Courtney Novogratz and I are not cut from the same cloth.)
Oh and they have seven (SEVEN) children, including two sets of twins.
I know, I know…right?? ??

Instead of working on the aforementioned dollhouse, I’ve been perusing the Novogratz's book, Downtown Chic, the past few nights, and it’s filled with great advice for design projects of all sizes (for those of you that share my home renovation anxiety), lots of gorgeous photos + funny, practical takes on how to stay sane amidst raising kiddos and running a thriving, busy, chaotic business (i.e. make takeout your friend.)
And just so I won't feel bad about all my procrastinating, I'm sharing the love and giving away a copy of Downtown Chic to one of you. Just leave a comment on this post by Sunday at 6:00 pm ET for a chance to win. I’ll announce the winner Monday!