Friday, August 21, 2009

Rando Design Inspiration Friday!

Hey y'all! It's Friday and I'm so excited to bust out of work today! My little sister (4 inches taller than I) is in town and I can't wait to hang out with her! Here are some images that make me ALMOST as jazzed as my sisters do.

The pink, the antique chair, the bookcase display--what more could I love in this living room by Todd Klein?

I think we all know based on yesterday's post that I'm just obsessed with this little breakfast nook with the birdcage next to it! I hope there's not a real bird in that...eek. By Tim Clarke.

I'm just in love with Country Living lately. This bedroom is one of many in their gallery that super impressed me. The brick wall ads such a romantic vintage aspect to this room and I want a luggage rack like that one. HOT.

My sister has really great personal style. I hope we go to J Crew and she can pick out outfits for me! Not that I need help there but who doesn't love playing dress up with their sister??! How cute is this outfit (I'm already getting excited for "back to school" clothes!)

Clearly I've got a kickin fun weekend set up for myself! What are you guys up to? Hopefully it will cool off soon because this heat is too much.

Alicia B.