Trimming the tree is one of my favorite things to prepare for Christmas. My sisters and I take turns putting up ornaments to make sure that everyone gets an equal amount (or someone ends up crying or hitting each other). It's like a storybook Christmas (It really is.) This year however, I am forced to be a workaholic and work on Christmas Eve so my family will decorate the tree without me (dagger to my heart). My favorite ornaments have a history or are the ones that I have made over the years; a giant construction paper Santa that is not easy on the eyes, Mary and Joseph made out wooden spoons, etc. I also love the vintage ones that my parents grew up with, too. They are so beautiful. Here are some fun cute ornaments I found...I guess I have to live vicariously through my blog. Sigh.

A German tradition (though we are not German) is to hide the green pickle in the tree branches. My younger sister hides it every year and we are caught searching for it for way too long. This one from Oriental Trading Company for $4.99. Also can get them at Crate and Barrel.

Well, looking on the bright side, I won't be there to get in fights with my sisters and I still get to hear my father read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. Tear.
Alicia B.