Monday, April 28, 2008

It's Never Too Late -- Part Two

A round-up of rooms I wish I had designed...

Room via Ellen Hanson Designs

Room by Barrie Benson via Domino

Room by Julianne Moore via Domino

via Domino
via Domino

I suppose it wasn't very fair of me to recount my conversation with Audrey and not disclose what I told her I wanted to be when I grow up, was it?

My favorite dinner party pastime is to go around the table and ask everyone what they thought they'd be in college (I majored in English and minored in Art History, so logically I thought I'd either be an English teacher or work in an art gallery or museum, but alas, I didn't end up doing either of those things...) and what they would do if they could do anything they wanted.
The fun of the "game" is that the answers don't have to reflect something you're actually good at, just something you'd really like to do but for whatever reason aren't.

As for me, if I could do anything I wanted (besides of course my actual job, which I actually very much enjoy), I would be an interior designer.
But I'm not so interested in just decorating a series of blank slates or creating multiple versions of my ideal room for other, what really intrigues me is the process of working hand-in-hand with others as they uncover how they really want to live -- to help them discover what their ideal home would feel like and then working alongside them to create it.

I think most folks have a pretty good idea of how they want their homes to feel, they just don't know how to get there... helping them get there would be a really cool job.

Ok... now you have to play. What would you be if you could do anything?