Common Loon on Lake Mendota
Since I haven't been getting out much lately, there hasn't been much birding news or photographs to share on my blog. The last time I went birding I went to look for some Western Grebes at Spring Harbor Beach on Lake Mendota that had been reported to the Wisconsin Birding Network. Though they turned out to be Horned Grebes, they were still pretty neat to look at. (The report of five Western Grebes did seem to be extraordinarily unusual, I thought).
Horned Grebes
Other birds on the water included Black Scoter, Surf Scoter, Red-necked Grebe, Common Goldeneye, Buffleheads, American Coots and lots of Common Loons. There have been a few reports of a Pacific Loon on Lake Mendota, but I haven't tried to go look for it.
All images © 2007 Mike McDowell