(muskoxen on the coastal plain of ANWR)
Looks like ANWR's critters have dodged another one for now...
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives abandoned, at least temporarily, a drive to open Alaska's National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling after concluding on Wednesday the initiative was threatening passage of a huge bill to cut spending. "ANWR and OCS will be out" of the legislation, said House Budget Committee Chairman Jim Nussle, an Iowa Republican. Besides the Alaska oil drilling initiative, the House spending-reduction bill had also called for opening outer-continental shelf, or offshore areas, to oil and gas drilling. The proposals had drawn opposition from Democrats and two dozen or so Republicans in the House."
Link: Full Article from Reuters News Service
(let's keep this from ever happening on the ANWR)
"Like no other environmental cause, protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’s vibrant ecosystem in its immaculate entirety has been a national conservation priority for over 30 years. Manomet has prepared a summary of facts, questions and answers, and other important information to promote better understanding, especially in light of the attempts to open the refuge for oil drilling."
Link: FAQ about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from Manomet
Eagle Optics is the lead corporate sponsor of Manomet's shorebird study project in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Images courtesy of US Fish & Wildlife Service