Monday, November 8, 2010

Scenes from The Weekend...

scenes from lucia and pete's house...

audrey hard at work...

It was the best possible kind of weekend...all glorious weather and tex-mex and time with good friends. So good in fact that I want a repeat, a do-over...only with all the exact same activities.

A few favorite moments...

cheering on our dearest friend Julie as she ran her first half marathon / champagne and books at Little Bean / watching Audrey make an epic driveway sculpture / tucking into an über cozy fall dinner at our friend Lucia and Pete's incredible house (their house is so good in fact, that I had to take a gazillion photos before dinner...I'll share more later this week) / + listening to the lovely and talented Allison V. Smith's talk at the Barry Whistler Gallery. (Friends, if you're in town and haven't seen her latest show, run, don't's that good.)

Hope your weekend was fantastic!

Allison V. Smith's show, Maine, at the Barry Whistler Gallery...