Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This wedding -- the most unique, gorgeous, crazy (in a good way) wedding I've ever laid eyes on...without doubt.

The best part though is I was randomly ogling this wedding on Our Labor of Love (drooling over every detail) when I realized, hey, I know that bride(!!). (Libby and I serve on a local advisory council together.) I love it when the Internet-world and the real-world collide.

Heather's resplendence in blue...oh and that flower adorned Clare Vivier laptop clutch. Awesome.

Yet another perfect necklace. I need a necklace support group. Stat.

These groovy puzzles -- excellent Christmas gifts for my nephews... (Speaking of gifts, I'm working on a little holiday gift guide to share with you guys. Stay tuned.)

Katrin Reifeiss's lovely shibori scarves. Love the colors. Love.

Flora's fantastic 2011 calendar... (her 2010 calendar was a favorite last year, and this year's is just as good!)

This sweet pink dress + chunky beads combo (via kenziepoo)

Studio Fludd's notebooks. Truth be told, I love everything Studio Fludd does, but the notebooks are especially cool.