Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Getting Ready...

So it occurs to me that I didn't show you any photos from our annual trip to the State Fair (come on, you know you were dying to see them...), which feels a bit wrong, as it's one of our favorite activities of the entire year, and I share lesser outings with you all the time.

I'm sorry fair. It won't happen again.

But the oversight got me thinking how the holiday season has pretty much completely snuck up on me and seems to be blowing by at warp-speed. For us, the fair marks the formal start of fall ...the official (hopefully) adieu to blistering summer days, the preamble to Halloween and Thanksgiving and of course...Christmas. And yet, I can barely remember going this year. And then Halloween came and went in a blink, and now Thanksgiving is knocking at my door.

It's all going by too fast friends. I need a pause.

To that end, I'm setting aside some time this weekend to make a little list with Bryan and the girlies of the things we want to be sure to do during the holiday season. Looking at the calendar now, I worry we'll get so caught up in the obligations and pre-scheduled activities that we won't make time to do the things we really treasure, and I tend to think that when you're more mindful of how you spend your time, well it seems to go by a little more slowly.

I'll try to be (somewhat) democratic when we're pulling the list together so Bryan and girlies don't feel like I'm bossy McChristmasmerson, but here are a few of the things likely to make the cut based on how much fun we had doing them last year.

fondue / the windows at Neimans downtown / fireplace s'mores / a carriage ride + christmas lights / gingerbread house decorating / the nutcracker (although this year we'll go to Audrey's performance) / "adopting" a family from the women's shelter to buy gifts for...

I'd love to add a couple of new traditions to our list. Any ideas? What do you guys love to do to celebrate the holidays?