Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Debbie Carlos' brilliant bunny poster (which I should have mentioned on my "dream list", as I just snapped up this bad boy for Millie's room...) Found via Kate.

This stunning Lizzie Fortunato necklace (which Michelle has put significantly on nice of her, no?)

Aran's perfect red nails, and (this is what I'm really loving) a little blogging serendipity.

In the exact same moment that I sent an e-mail to the lovely and talented Aran asking if I could use the above photo in today's post, she sent me an e-mail just to say "hi", as she and I hadn't "talked" in months. It was goose-bump inducing...

I love it when those things happen!

Even*Cleveland's ode to a pool. It's going to be 102 degrees here this weekend...

I am dreaming of a pool right now.

The genius French party site, My Little Day. In between drooling over every photo and every product, I'm wishing I had thought of this. It's total perfection...
(spotted via Suann and Christine)

Eva Juliet's lovely reminder (in French no less):

"It's never to late to be what you want to be"

(via curious covetous)

More ombre "dream hair"... this one might be the best yet. (via this is Glamorous)