Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Scenes from The Weekend -- California Edition...

Have you ever loved a place so much that being there makes you, well...sort of melancholy?

That's pretty much the situation with me and California.

Most of my childhood memories are so tied up in the hallmarks of this place that, anytime I visit, I'm struck with a homesickness for my youth so strong it makes me achy.

And I happened to be there this weekend.

I went with a group of other (incredibly funny, brilliant, lovely) moms from Audrey's school, and I fear I may have been a bit morose for the first day or so, as I was in the grips of this weird thing that California does to me (+ I was missing Bryan and the girlies dreadfully...I'm so into those girlies of mine of late.)

But amidst all my internal struggle, the trip was fantastic and, yet again, reinforced my belief in women and how utterly amazing they are...

Kristie, Whitney, Stacy, Molly, Shannon, Cristy, Kay and Michelle. Thanks for a stellar weekend!