Thursday, May 6, 2010

Manifestos...(and Necklaces)

This seems like a good recipe for life, no?

I spotted this genius poster via karey (my besty in all of blogland) and immediately started thinking about what my manifesto would be...if I had a manifesto that is.

I know (shamelessly stealing from the poster) that make stuff, love your town, be kind and kill your TV would top my list. I'm not so sure about playing a kazoo or singing though (I am a really, really bad's not a good scene.)

I might also add:
  • read
  • support NPR
  • cook for someone
  • use your good dishes
  • see art
So...what would your manifesto be?

p.s. -- Speaking of making stuff, I have a fun little post about the necklaces the girlies and I have been turning out of late over on Alpha Mom. Take a peek ;-)